

Conditional permanent residents who have obtained legal status can remove conditions on their permanent resident status with form I-751.


Sep 14, 2020

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Conditional permanent residents who have obtained legal status through marriage to a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident and wish to apply to remove conditions on their permanent resident status do so using form I-751.

If the applicant is still married, the I-751 form may be filed jointly with the spouse through whom they obtained conditional status. An applicant may still apply through the I-751 form if their marriage was performed in “good faith” but the applicant’s spouse died, the marriage ended in divorce or annulment, the applicant was battered or subject to extreme cruelty by the petitioning spouse, or the termination of the applicant’s status and removal from the United States would cause extreme hardship. If filing jointly with a spouse, the form must be submitted less than 90 days before the applicant’s conditional residence expires. More information on who is eligible and how to submit the Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence may be found here.


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