
New York Attorney General Weighs in On Deportation Moratorium Lawsuit

Texas' last-minute agreement with the Trump administration would make it difficult for Biden to implement policies the state doesn't like.

Mazin Sidahmed

Feb 17, 2021

New York Attorney General Letitia James and Brooklyn District Attorney Eric Gonzalez announce lawsuit against Immigration & Customs Enforcement.

New York Attorney General Letitia James and Brooklyn District Attorney Eric Gonzalez announce lawsuit against Immigration & Customs Enforcement.

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New York Attorney General Letitia James led 16 attorney generals in filing an amicus brief in a lawsuit filed by the state of Texas against the Biden administration. Texas had sued to stop Biden’s deportation moratorium and a judge put an injunction on the moratorium while the case proceeded. Texas had entered into a last-minute agreement with the Trump administration, which would make it difficult for the Biden administration to implement policies the Republican-held border state disapproves of. James argued this agreement is unlawful and presents issues for federal immigration enforcement in New York and the other states. New York CaribNews

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Mazin Sidahmed

Mazin Sidahmed is the co-executive director of Documented. He previously worked for the Guardian US in New York. He started his career writing for The Daily Star in Beirut and he also contributed to Politico New York.



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