New York Law requires motorcycles designed for low speed operations, also known as mopeds, to be registered with the Department of Motor Vehicles. To use a moped in the streets of the city, the rider must also have a specific type of driver’s license, which depends on the speed of the vehicle and, in some cases, insurance and inspection.
Not having a registered moped can lead to the vehicle’s confiscation by the NYPD. Here is what you need to know about the process of retrieving a moped if the police have impounded it.
License and registration requirements for mopeds
The DMV classifies mopeds into three categories: Class A, B, and C, depending on the speed.
Class B and C are Mopeds that run at 30 miles per hour (MPH) or less, and require any driver license class to be operated. Those that exceed over 30 miles, or Class A, require a motorcycle license (M/MJ), along with an inspection. All three classes require registration with the DMV.
You can register a vehicle regardless of your immigration status.
Also Read: Drivers Licenses for Undocumented Immigrants

Screenshot: DMV
How to retrieve a moped confiscated by the NYPD
While a moped may be confiscated by the NYPD for many different reasons — such as being illegally parked or violation fees — operators are required to have all necessary documentation including their proper registration and license to retrieve their vehicle.
Contact the local precinct of where the incident occurred. You can do so by inserting the address of where the moped was confiscated in the NYPD precinct finder here.
By calling the precinct directly, you can also inquire specific details about the whereabouts of your vehicle along with information about the exact procedures.
Then, collect the documentation associated with your vehicle. This includes the registration and proof of ownership. Take the police report or ticket given during the confiscation if possible and don’t forget to bring your license.
You will also be required to pay any outstanding violations and fees related to the confiscation.
Once you contact your precinct, you can also find out the impound lot (where the vehicles are taken), along with their operation hours. You will be required to pay a fee to the impound lot.
If you have all the documentation that you need, along with the keys, you can pick up the vehicle from the impound lot after paying their fee. At this time, be sure to inspect your moped for any damages so that you can notify them. Take photos of the damages to keep it as proof.
Also Read: Electric Bikes and Mopeds in NYC: What’s Legal and What Isn’t