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Immigration News Today: Mexico’s Tactic To Cut Immigration To The U.S. Is To Wear Out Migrants

Just have a minute? Here are the top stories you need to know about immigration. This summary was featured in Documented’s Early Arrival newsletter. You can subscribe to receive it in your inbox three times per week here.

Around the U.S.

Mexico’s tactic to cut immigration to the U.S. is to wear out migrants:

Migrants face harsh conditions and repeated expulsions in Mexico, struggling to reach the U.S. border due to increased enforcement and Biden’s new asylum restrictions. — The Associated Press

Migrant “riot” charges dismissed again by El Paso county court judge:

Judge Ruben Morales dismissed 59 border riot cases against migrants, citing improper filing by the El Paso District Attorney’s Office. — El Paso Times

Texas Senate examines effectiveness of Operation Lone Star:

Texas Republicans criticize President Biden’s immigration order as election-year maneuvering, while Texas officials praise Operation Lone Star for reducing illegal crossings and increasing border security. — CBS News

New York

New York group looking to leverage economic potential of new arrivals:

The Ellis Island Initiative seeks to leverage asylum seekers’ economic potential in NYC by filling job vacancies through bipartisan discussions involving government, business, nonprofit leaders and more. — Spectrum News

Washington D.C.

On the US-Mexico border, hopes and fears after Biden’s order limiting asylum:

Migrant families face dangerous journeys and uncertainty due to new U.S. immigration policies restricting asylum claims and increasing border enforcement. — Nevada Current

(Opinion) Immigration could get Trump elected again. Here’s how Democrats keep getting it wrong:

The priority in immigration policy should be setting and adhering to a specific number of immigrants allowed, ensuring credibility and public trust in the system. — Los Angeles Times

Will Biden’s new immigration order help fix the border?

Biden’s asylum order faces criticism for risking humanitarian harm and constitutionality, while supporters argue it’s a necessary response to border challenges amid limited options. — Yahoo News 360

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