
Trump’s Census Case Being Tested in Federal Court

Amy Coney Barrett could play a deciding role in a Supreme Court case over Trump's undocumented immigrant census exclusion

Deanna Garcia

Oct 21, 2020

The Supreme Court

The Supreme Court

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This summary was featured in Documented’s Early Arrival newsletter. You can subscribe to receive it in your inbox three times per week here.

In July, President Trump made an executive order seeking to omit undocumented immigrants from being included in the census count, despite the Constitution requiring involvement of all U.S. residents. Civil rights organizations sued the Trump administration over the exclusion, and three federal judges in New York ruled against him. But the decision was appealed and is now headed for the Supreme Court. Judge Amy Coney Barrett, the potential replacement of the late Justice Ruth Ginsberg, could take part in Trump v. New York case if she’s confirmed by Nov. 30. The New Republic

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