
Early Arrival: Washington Heights & Inwood’s 2010 Census Success

Monday's edition of Early Arrival: ICE Kept a Minor in Adult Detention — Families Sue Gov. Over Treatment of Kids — WaPo & NYT Profile Stephen Miller

Mazin Sidahmed

Aug 19, 2019

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Organizers hoping to get a complete count for the 2020 census will be looking to the success of Washington Heights and Inwood in 2010. The two neighborhoods were considered “hard to count” by federal Census officials but achieved the best response rate in the city. Legislators and activists fear that the Trump administration’s attempt to include a citizenship question in the census could lead to an undercount, which would have several effects on the city, including potentially losing a congressional seat. To avoid this, they’re looking to Washington Heights and Inwood as a model where grassroots organizers went out in full force to encourage people to fill out the census a decade ago. The City


NYPD Rejects All of ICE’s Detainer Requests

The New York City Police Department rejected all of ICE’s detainer requests between July 1, 2018 and June 30, new data released by the agency shows. ICE issues detainer requests to local police departments to ask them to hold an inmate past their release date so it can determine whether or not to arrest them and place them in deportation proceedings. The NYPD received 2,916 of those requests and rejected all of them, according to the data. It responded in seven instances to questions about a person’s “incarceration status, release date, or court appearances.” The Daily News

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Anti-Immigration Groups Support Driver’s License Lawsuit

Anti-Immigration groups have piled on their support for Erie County Clerk Michael P. Kearns in his legal battle with Gov. Andrew Cuomo over offering undocumented immigrants the right to get driver’s licenses. The Immigration Reform Law Institute, an arm of the Federation for American Immigration Reform, one of the nation’s largest anti-immigration groups, filed a friend of court brief in support of Kearns. The Southern Poverty Law Center has labeled FAIR a hate group, a label the group is disputing in court. Kearns says the new law violates federal law and has asked the court to block it going into effect in December. Buffalo News


Lawsuits Over Treatment of Migrant Children Pile Up

The federal government might owe up to $200 million to families who say their children were harmed while in government custody, according to multiple court filings. Dozens of families who were separated at the border due to the government’s zero-tolerance policy are now preparing to sue the federal government, including several who say their children were sexually, physically or emotionally abused in federally funded foster care. Claims are being filed under the Federal Tort Claims Act as a precursor to filing lawsuits. Documents released by Congress earlier this year showed that the Office of Refugee Resettlement referred at least seven foster care allegations of sexual abuse to the Justice Department in 2017 and 2018. The Associated Press

Mother of Four-Month-Old Baby Arrested in ICE Raids

The mother of a four month old baby was among the 680 workers who were arrested in poultry factories in Mississippi earlier this month. The child was still being breastfed by her mother up until the mother’s arrest at Koch Foods in Morton, Mississippi in one of the largest worksite ICE raids in history. While around 300 people were released from ICE custody on “humanitarian grounds,” the mother of the four-month-old child was not one of them. The child’s father is now raising the baby and her two siblings alone while fighting his own deportation case. The Clarion-Ledger

ICE Requests to Force Feed Inmates

An ICE doctor defended force-feeding detainees in a federal court in El Paso on Friday. Dr. Michelle Iglesias calmly described the procedure to the court, Texas Monthly reports. It takes at least ten medical and correction personnel to insert a long flexible tube through a detainees nose, down the throat and into the stomach, she said. An X-Ray technician ensures the tube is inserted correctly while guards pin the detainee down as others watch the sometimes bloody procedure. ICE asked the court for permission to force-feed two Indian men on a hunger strike. U.S. District Judge David Guaderrama said he would grant their request. Texas Monthly

Border Patrol Agent Had Long Problematic History

The Border Patrol agent who admitted to hitting a migrant with his truck had been the subject of multiple internal investigations during his 10-year career at Customs and Border Protection. Once, he gave a handcuffed suspect a “rough ride” by slamming the brakes on his vehicle in a way that would fling him into the ground. He hit a Guatemalan migrant with his truck shortly after the death of a Texas Border Patrol agent, which had left him incensed. He believed someone who crossed the border was behind the death, and he text his colleague “Mindless murdering savages” in reference to illegal border-crossers. ProPublica

Central American Women Continue to Flee Domestic Violence

Last year, the Trump administration made it more difficult for women fleeing domestic violence to claim asylum in the U.S. However, domestic violence issues continue to drive people to come to the U.S. Latin American and the Carribean are home to 14 of the 25 deadliest countries for women, according to the Small Arms Survey. The homicide rate for women in Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras is three times, six times, and 12 times the global average respectively. The overwhelming violence they face in Central America previously led to successful asylum claims, but former Attorney General Jeff Sessions sought to limit those. The New York Times


Ken Cuccinelli Long History of Referring to Immigrants as Invaders, WaPo and NYT Profile Miller

Acting director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Ken Cuccinelli has a long history of referring to immigrants as invaders, the language used by the alleged shooter in El Paso earlier this month. Cuccinelli founded the State Legislators for Legal Immigration in 2007, during a discussion about immigration reform in Congress. The group called for invoking war powers in congress to prevent the invasion of undocumented immigrants. Last year he called for the use of “war powers”  on Breitbart radio in response to the migrant caravans which were headed to the U.S. at the time. CNN

The New York Times and The Washington Post both published large pieces on White House aide Stephen Miller. Both attempt to chart the immigration restrictionist’s path to his current world view. Miller only sat down with the Post and minimized his role in the White House while effusively praising Trump. Several former staffers outlined how he’s created policy around the president’s uninformed views on immigration. He also undermined DHS secretaries and give orders directly to their employees without their knowledge. The Times charts his rise from Rep, Michele Bachmann’s press secretary – they bonded over their fear of Muslim immigration – to aide to the president. The Washington Post, The New York Times

Mazin Sidahmed

Mazin Sidahmed is the co-executive director of Documented. He previously worked for the Guardian US in New York. He started his career writing for The Daily Star in Beirut and he also contributed to Politico New York.



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