
Census Bureau Didn’t Know About Apportionment Change

President Trump's order keeps undocumented immigrants from counting toward congressional apportionment, but the Census Bureau says it knew nothing about it

Mazin Sidahmed

Jul 31, 2020

U. S. Department of State Headquarters by Mark Van Scyoc

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U.S. Census Bureau Director Steven Dillingham testified Wednesday that he was not notified ahead of time about President Trump’s decision to sign an executive order to exclude undocumented immigrants from counting toward the apportionment of congressional districts. In a hearing with the House Committee on Oversight and Reform, Dillingham said he was unaware of anyone from his office being involved in the order, which has been labeled as unconstitutional.

Trump issued a memorandum last week that stated undocumented immigrants would not be factored when drawing congressional district lines, a process usually dictated by the total population found in the census. Multiple lawsuits have been filed challenging the order. Dillingham was unclear on whether or not his office would be moving ahead with completing the census by the end of the year despite delays caused by the pandemic. Associated Press

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Former DHS Heads Criticize Portland Invasions

Michael Chertoff, who served as Homeland Security secretary under former President George W. Bush, said the agency’s decision to send agents to Portland, Oregon to police protests was very unusual. The agency has been the subject of much debate for its role in the Portland protests, where agents have been sent under the guise of protecting federal property. Tom Ridge, the agency’s first secretary, also criticized the decision to send in agents, saying DHS is not to be used as the president’s “personal militia.” The Wall Street Journal

Mazin Sidahmed

Mazin Sidahmed is the co-executive director of Documented. He previously worked for the Guardian US in New York. He started his career writing for The Daily Star in Beirut and he also contributed to Politico New York.



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